As part of my quest for tranquility, here are the rules I will follow:
1.) My quest to find an SO is over. I will no longer obsess about having sex with the "new plumbing." I will be like a timelord. Timelords can be fiercely loyal to their human companions and even share affectionate moments. But timelords do not obsess about their companions and they definitely do not have sex with them.
2) I will no longer be concerned with my weight. Not a damn thing I can do about it anyway. This gut is a birthday present from BOTH my parents. No matter how hard I try to restrict my eating, no matter how hard I work out at the gym....nothing touches it. And every time I have another surgery, my body freaks out and demands that I add ten pounds. Here are my new eating rules:
a) I will eat only when I am hungry.
b) I will stop eating when I feel full.
c.) I will eat more fruits and vegetables
d.) I will eat relaxed. I will not eat while watching TV and I will meditate before every meal.
e.) I will drink alcohol moderately (this is not what you think. Currently, I hardly drink at all.)
f.) I will favor eating things that I have cultivated myself.
3) I will not go to the gym to lose weight. I will not weigh myself at the gym or anywhere else. I will only concern myself with getting stronger, not thinner.
4) I will continue to try not to play computer games....It is still rough. Lots of getting on and falling off the wagon.
5) I will learn to embrace my isolation as a blessing. Timelords are generally solitary beings anyway. It is easier to fuck the Goddess when one is not distracted by mere humans.
6) I will learn to love my matronly curves rather than obsess that do not have (nor ever had) a girlish figure.
7) I will no longer obsess about whether anyone is reading or has ever read anything I write. I write to entertain myself only.
8) I will continue help out folks financially where I can....No, strike that. I don't help anyone and keep my considerable fortune to myself. I hide all my gold coins in Morgan's room and bath in it regularly like Scrooge McDuck.
Addendum: Yes, I know I'm not REALLY a timelord. But NO ONE is a
real timelord. I hazard to guess that I'm come closer to being a real
time lord than anyone else.
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