Saturday, June 13, 2015

Rachel Dolezal

If Rachel Dolezal truly believes she is of a race not assigned to her at birth, then her situation IS similar to that of trans-folk and the criticism she is receiving is unfounded: 

"Transracial identity is not a thing." 
"She is mocking black people"
"Her attempt to pass as black is essentially black-face"
"It is impossible for a white person to be black."
"She pretended to be black for a decade."
"She is only perpetuating stereotypes."
"Even her own family is appalled at her behavior."
"She is deluded."
"Her attempt to appropriate black culture is based on a desire to access black privilege."

They are all eerily reminiscent of the criticisms that were lobbed against trans-women.  Just replace "black" with "female" and it's the same arguments...the same hate.   I had to listen to this crap flung at my kind for fifty years. 

It is also racist.   The argument goes that blacks who try to pass as white are considered sad, but since blacks are inferior to whites, it is only natural that they would want to better their position.  A white person pretending to be black one the other hand is essentially adopting a lesser position.  That's not just sad...that's evil.  Such people deserve to be humiliated and reviled.  This is the same argument that when I young made me think that since girls are inherently inferior to boys, a boy to wanting to be a girl was the worst thing in the world.   Such a desire had to be hidden from all.  NO ONE could know of this evil wish.      

So lay the fuck off.  If Rachel Dolezal says she is a black person trapped in the body of a white person, then she is.  

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