Friday, August 16, 2013

Who deniers

I've loved Doctor Who for forty five years.  I've gotten completely caught up in the fantasy and have even been known to fashion my life after the Gallifreyan model.  But occasionally someone will say to me, "There is no Doctor.  That's just an actor named Matt Smith pretending to be something that doesn't exist.  Why are you being so stupid?"  Sometimes they will get very passionate about it, demanding that I admit that the Doctor does not exist.  Are they right?  Absolutely.  I know there is no such thing as a TimeLord running around space and time in a blue police box.  I choose to "suspend my disbelief" for a time  in order to enjoy the fantastic story presented to me. The Who deniers are completely missing the point of being a devout Whovian.

Critics of my religion work in much the same way.  Does the Goddess exist in any real sense?  No.  Absolutely not.  I know that.  But I don't care.  My love of the Goddess is very similar to my love of the Doctor.  (And if they ever got off their misogynistic arses and gave us the female Doctor we all want, my passion for the two would be similar still.)   My life is greatly enhanced by my devotion to the queen of heaven.  Those that loudly insist I am worshiping something that has no basis in objective reality are focusing on trivialities and completely missing the glory that is standing beside them. 

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