Friday, August 16, 2013

Wonder Dyke

I love Wonder Woman but I really don't want to see a movie about the her least not until she stops being a pussy and comes out of the fucking closet. A movie now would just glorify remaining secretly gay. It would be like an ad for reparation therapy. Marcus Bachmann would be her mentor, encouraging her with things like, "You go girl. You're a beautiful, powerful, straight woman. Don't ever forget that."

Come on, WW. You're not fooling anyone. Everyone knows you love tickling the taco. Do you really think no one noticed you checking out Batwoman's ass? You've battled titans and Nazis for crying out out. Is coming clean about who you love really that scary?

Not convinced she's gay?  Consider this: She's from Paradise Island where she never even saw a man until she was an adult and she spent all her formative years with all her VERY close friends training like a Spartan. She's never married and has never even been in a serious relationship in 50 years. And don't mention that twink Steve Trevor. Steve Trevor? It sounds like a flavor in a gay ice cream parlor. She's never kissed him and hardly ever sees him. He may as well be wearing a t-shirt that says, "WW's Beard"

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