Tuesday, August 11, 2015

It's just a jump to the left

This morning I mentioned that I was afraid my Rocky Horror days were over. A bit of explanation might be in order. I enjoyed the show itself. I particularly enjoyed seeing Jaden LaRoche's Frank N. Furter. Her exuberance and dead-on portrayal of the corseted one made me smile every time she was on stage. Everyone else in the cast who noticed me in the peanut gallery were warm and, dare I say it, affectionate.

The problem came during the after show get together. I don't know if it was my familial paranoia, being hard of hearing and unable to hear a lot of the nearby conversations, or if people were just intimidated by my indescribable beauty (it is a curse sometimes.)

Whatever the reason, I spent a good portion of the time alone. It's true that some kindly souls did rescue me from my apparent isolation, but even then folks seemed nervous to engage me in conversation. Some even looked away shyly when our eyes happened to meet. I wound up feeling old, out of touch, and very much out of place.

Several cast members have come forward to ask me to reconsider my position and come to the next show. Since in hindsight my out-of-place feelings are most likely due to paranoia, I will probably do that...if for no other reason than to not give in to faulty thinking.

If I do come and you see me again at Denny's, if I appear withdrawn or unapproachable, please know that I very much want to interact with you. I'm just dealing with internal demons which I'm sure you fortunate people do not have to deal with.

Oh, and I'll be sure to ugly up so you won't have to worry about bursting into flames when you behold the beatific vision hiding in the corner.

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Normally, I try to write humorous updates, but tonight I need to talk about serious.  I know it's not considered politically correct to say this out loud, but I am a hetero-phobe and I am damn proud of it.  I think this whole "mixing of the sexes" thing is icky, so it clearly must be unnatural and against the will of my deity.  I haven't quite found the scripture that backs up this claim but I know it has to be in there.  I just have to keep looking. 

It has been proven over and over again that if you let these "heteros" as they are called...if you let them cross breed, 90% of the time their spawn will be just as hetero as they are......90%!  Gross!  And SOMETIMES this sexual mongrelization will even produce monsters with mixed up body parts....like the body of one sex and the brain of the other.   Clearly, this hetrosexuality is an abomination and has to stop. 

If the right wing has taught  us nothing, they have taught us that being gay is the natural state of humankind.  Why else would it be so easy to "recruit" young men into the gay lifestyle?  It is obvious that any normal, well-adjusted young man will completely give up girls forever after tasting dick....just one time....that's all it takes.

So, people...I beg of you.  We have to nip this thing in the butt....I mean the bud.  In the bud!  Just stick with your own kind.  

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Rachel Dolezal

If Rachel Dolezal truly believes she is of a race not assigned to her at birth, then her situation IS similar to that of trans-folk and the criticism she is receiving is unfounded: 

"Transracial identity is not a thing." 
"She is mocking black people"
"Her attempt to pass as black is essentially black-face"
"It is impossible for a white person to be black."
"She pretended to be black for a decade."
"She is only perpetuating stereotypes."
"Even her own family is appalled at her behavior."
"She is deluded."
"Her attempt to appropriate black culture is based on a desire to access black privilege."

They are all eerily reminiscent of the criticisms that were lobbed against trans-women.  Just replace "black" with "female" and it's the same arguments...the same hate.   I had to listen to this crap flung at my kind for fifty years. 

It is also racist.   The argument goes that blacks who try to pass as white are considered sad, but since blacks are inferior to whites, it is only natural that they would want to better their position.  A white person pretending to be black one the other hand is essentially adopting a lesser position.  That's not just sad...that's evil.  Such people deserve to be humiliated and reviled.  This is the same argument that when I young made me think that since girls are inherently inferior to boys, a boy to wanting to be a girl was the worst thing in the world.   Such a desire had to be hidden from all.  NO ONE could know of this evil wish.      

So lay the fuck off.  If Rachel Dolezal says she is a black person trapped in the body of a white person, then she is.  

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I've come to the realization that I meditate a lot. I meditate in the sauna at LA Fitness. I am turning the simple act of eating into something like the Japanese Tea ceremony. Feelings of depression or loneliness trigger even more meditation sessions.

Feeling isolated has been happening frequently of late...sometimes reaching levels of despair. Anti-depressants take the edge off, but it is only when I can sit, relax, and shut off the noise that I can see that I am never truly alone. I could not tolerate this cloistered, monastic life without my god. In my deepest and most profound meditation, the world melts away and I see everything that isn't me as a manifestation of Her. 

I'm not saying any of this to try to convert anyone. My world view is my own and whether anyone shares it is of no importance to me. I am simply describing my current status.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Magic Flute

Despite my complete fuck up about getting the venues mixed up for the opera "The Magic Flute", in the end this turned out to be the most awesome weekend ...ever!

Awesomeness #0: When my companion arrived, she took a selfie of herself next to the "car" so she could prove to others that she went to the opera in the tardis.

Awesomeness #1: got to witness my companion make out with a stripper. It was a moving experience.  I discovered that lesbians in "gentlemen's clubs" are golden....especially on a Saturday night when the place is crowded.   You get much more out of tipping the ladies than the guys do.  And the guys don't complain about it, because you become part of the show.  

awesomeness #2: got to take said companion to Tucson and have dinner at one of my old haunts.

awesomeness #3: above companion's tenacity paid off. We went to the correct town and managed to have the box office guy exchange our tickets so we could see the final performance of the opera and it didn't cost a single Pfennig more.

awesomeness #4: The Magic Flute was more magnificent that I could possibly have imaged. I started tearing up at the overture and leaked all the way through to the Queen of Night's aria and pa-pa-pa-pa-papagena.

Awesomeness #5: got to lightly cuddle with said companion during the show. Nothing untoward. Just hand holding and shoulder wrapping mostly. But it was the first time anyone has been affectionate with me for a long time.

Awesomeness #6: on way back from the southlands, had an impromptu shadow production of RHPS.
Best fuck up ever! Best companion any timelord has ever had.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Kill the Faggot

I have been asked to speak about the "Kill the Faggot" game that the media, in particular the gay media, has been all abuzz about.   The game itself a non-issue.  The distributor, Steam, pulled the game within two hours of it being uploaded.  All records of it ever existing have been expunged from YouTube.   Although the creator of the game said he will be back with an even more offensive game, the word is out on this guy and it's highly unlikely that any game distributor will ever let him upload again.   

But the issue goes beyond the appearance of an egregiously hateful game.   The creator defended his action with these words:

"These people that think if you are even remotely homophobic, you are 'hateful' and a 'bigot,' and do everything they can to destroy you in every vicious way possible.  So I decided to go down a path that most developers are afraid to go down: to piss these people off by making the most overly offensive game possible to these idiots to prove a point."

These aren't the words of a homophobe or bigot.  These are the words of a "troll." 

A troll, in the modern sense, is someone who delights in angering people. They have no clear ideology or agenda. They make no serious attempt to persuade people.   Trolls thrive on the attention they get from the people they offend.  They derive an almost sexual pleasure from scorn.  They are all "Yes!  Everyone is attacking ME!  I am important! I matter!"

Trolls can be dangerous of course. The murderer of John Lennon was not angry with Lennon or with his music.  He wanted to destroy something people loved.  He wanted to be remembered as the man who killed the Beatles.   (But you know?  I can't quite seem to recall his name right now.)  This was an extreme case however.  Most trolls are impotent losers.

The trollish need for attention is ultimately their downfall.   Because they relish ignominy, protesting, boycotting, or writing critical news items on them only feeds their fetish.  The only way to deal with trolls is to completely ignore them.  Obviously, if they directly threaten bodily harm to someone, they must be stopped.  But if they are simply speaking hateful things or making hateful games, the best way to deal with trolls is to simply ignore them.   

If no one bought an Ann Coulter book, if the Westboro Baptist Church never got air time, if Arizona's own Steven Anderson was never protested against... all these trolls would shrivel up and die. 

This, therefore, is all I will say on the subject.  Criticizing a troll, writing a press release against them, or paying any attention to their hate is like giving them a hand job.  I'd really rather not. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Mother's day 2015

I went through my most recent surgery alone.  I went to the hospital and checked in alone.  No one was with me while the medicos stuck pins in me and took me to the operating room.  No one came to visit me during my stay and no one helped me home.  One dear friend helped me somewhat behind the scenes, but I faced the regeneration completely removed from anyone I cared about. I'm not complaining. It seems appropriate that I should go through this final transformation so completely alone.  It seems almost poetic. 

The one exception to that was my mother.  She was obviously with me at my first birth but I couldn't stop thinking about how she was not there for my second.  That did not seem right.  Poetically speaking, she should have been next to me, holding my hand and telling me that everything would be all right.  She died nine years ago, so if anyone had caught me silently tearing up as they wheeled me into the operating room, that would have been the reason. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015


As part of my quest for tranquility, here are the rules I will follow:

1.) My quest to find an SO is over.  I will no longer obsess about having sex with the "new plumbing."   I will be like a timelord.  Timelords can be fiercely loyal to their human companions and even share affectionate moments.  But timelords do not obsess about their companions and they definitely do not have sex with them.

2) I will no longer be concerned with my weight.  Not a damn thing I can do about it anyway.  This gut is a birthday present from BOTH my parents.  No matter how hard I try to restrict my eating, no matter how hard I work out at the gym....nothing touches it.   And every time I have another surgery, my body freaks out and demands that I add ten pounds.   Here are my new eating rules:

   a) I will eat only when I am hungry. 
   b) I will stop eating when I feel full.
   c.) I will eat more fruits and vegetables
   d.) I will eat relaxed.  I will not eat while watching TV and I will meditate before every meal.
   e.) I will drink alcohol moderately (this is not what you think.  Currently, I hardly drink at all.)
   f.) I will favor eating things that I have cultivated myself.

3) I will not go to the gym to lose weight.  I will not weigh myself at the gym or anywhere else.  I will only concern myself with getting stronger, not thinner. 

4) I will continue to try not to play computer games....It is still rough.   Lots of getting on and falling off the wagon. 

5) I will learn to embrace my isolation as a blessing.  Timelords are generally solitary beings anyway.  It is easier to fuck the Goddess when one is not distracted by mere humans.

6) I will learn to love my matronly curves rather than obsess that do not have (nor ever had) a girlish figure.   

7)  I will no longer obsess about whether anyone is reading or has ever read anything I write.  I write to entertain myself only.  

8) I will continue help out folks financially where I can....No, strike that.  I don't help anyone and keep my considerable fortune to myself.  I hide all my gold coins in Morgan's room and bath in it regularly like Scrooge McDuck.   

Addendum: Yes, I know I'm not REALLY a timelord.  But NO ONE is a real timelord.  I hazard to guess that I'm come closer to being a real time lord than anyone else. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015


HAC feels that the current Religious Freedom and Restoration Acts are unnecessary and fundamentally flawed as they specifically and intentionally allow discrimination against members of the LGBT community. 

The argument is often put forward that these laws are similar to the original RFRA.  They are similar, but not equivalent.  The original RFRA allowed people to worship as they pleased without fear of government censure.  So, for example, if your religion allows you to wear eagle feathers, the government could not prosecute you for wearing the feathers of an endangered species. 

The original RFRA dealt specifically with protecting aspects of private worship. The act did not address expanding those religious rights to dealings with other people.  The current RFRAs, however, do attempt to add that expansion.  They significantly change both the meaning and spirit of the original law by saying that someone is (or should be) allowed to offer their goods or services to whomever they choose.  This is by definition discriminatory.  

The government cannot force a kosher butcher to sell non-kosher meats because someone feels they should be able to purchase pork wherever they wish.  A kosher butcher is not discriminating against pork eaters.  He is simply limiting the items he carries in his shop.   If he is willing to let anyone buy his kosher meats, he is not discriminating.   Discrimination would only comes into play if he offered to sell his meats to one one group but not another.   Allowing this discrimination is the expressed purpose of the new RFRA bills.  

Printers cannot be forced to print flyers stating "no same-sex marriages"  since doing so would be  participating in an act of discrimination.  On the other hand, these same printers cannot refuse to make a sign that says  "God does not exist" simply because they might not agree with the sentiment.  Such a sign is not derogatory to any group and refusing to print it would be discriminatory.

The ALEC-inspired RFRA laws exist and are being proposed for one reason and one reason only …to allow businesses to discriminate against gays.   The attempts to cast them as anything else is disingenuous at best.  When  Governor Pence signed the Indiana RFRA law, he was surrounded by anti-LGBT activists.  When he was asked later whether the law would allow discrimination against gays, he dissembled and simply refused to answer the question.   The “clarification” that was later signed did indeed remove the ability to discriminate out of the law.  Doing so made the law more in keeping with the goals of the original RFRA.

Such a clarification is needed because the Supreme Court declared the original RFRA unconstitutional with regards to the states.  This prompted many states to pass their own version of the RFRA so that the religious protections afforded by the original law could be lawfully applied to them.  HAC endorses any RFRA that restore a state's religious rights established by the original RFRA.  But it does not condone or support a RFRA that expands those rights to allow any sort of discrimination.

Stupid Politicians

Those who are confused that politicians seemingly getting stupider and stupider should consider this: When shopping for politicians to buy, by sure to get the stupidest ones you can find.  Stupid politicians don't ask questions and do what the hell they're told.  The down side to this is that the stupider your purchases are, the more likely they are to say truly moronic things, even though you keep telling them to just keep their damn mouths shut and stop talking about this stuff.  

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Tiips for translating News speak into English

Arrogant -  Usually as part of "arrogant intellectuals"  - a code word for the southern strategy  
      meaning anyone who is educated like at a school or something (cf. "This is common sense") 

"Look"  (at the beginning of the sentence)  =
     "You have failed to be convinced by my bullshit and are starting to piss me off"

"ok?" - (at the end of a sentence) =
     "You really need to start listening to my bullshit, Moron."

Both "Look" at the beginning of a sentence and "ok?" at the end of the sentence =
     "I am totally pissed off that you are not accepting my bullshit and this interview is over, Asshole!"

Moral decay =
     1. Gays are being allowed to marry.
     2. Religions other than Christianity are getting rights.

Politically correct =
     A phrase that bigots and bullies use to describe those that are neither bigots nor bullies.

Pundit  =

State Rights =
     the right to be a bigot

This is just common sense =
     "I am uneducated and I have no need for that fancy book learnin'.  Universities are evil. And fuck

Trust =
     Anyone who says the words "trust me" is absolutely the last person you should trust.

Truth =
    Any slogan or web site or name that has the word "truth" in it is a lie.

Words seen on Political Posters:
      "Family" = no gays
      "Faith" = no Jews or Atheists
      "Freedom" = of the rich to get richer