Sunday, November 5, 2017

Guy Fawkes Day 2017

It important to remember on this Guy Fawkes Day that our current troubles are not a recent development.  The support for and tendency towards Oligarchy has been in place from the very beginning of this country…put there in no small part by the very Alexander “fuck the poor” Hamilton that is revered so much of late.  Consider these excerpts from the Workingmen’s Party Declaration of Independence of 1876:

The present system has enabled capitalists to make laws in their own interests to the injury and oppression of the workers.

It has made the name Democracy, for which our forefathers fought and died, a mockery and a shadow, by giving to property an unproportionate amount of representation and control over Legislation.

It has enabled capitalists ... to secure government aid, inland grants and money loans, to selfish railroad corporations, who, by monopolizing the means of transportation are enabled to swindle both the producer and the consumer ....

It has allowed the capitalists, as a class, to appropriate annually 5/6 of the entire production of the country ....

It has therefore prevented mankind from fulfilling their natural destinies on earth -- crushed out ambition, prevented marriages or cause false and unnatural ones --has shortened human life, destroyed morals and fostered crime, corrupted judges, ministers, and statesmen, shattered confidence, love and honor among men, and made life a selfish, merciless struggle for existence instead of a noble and generous struggle for perfection, in which . equal advantages should be given to all, and human lives relieved from an unnatural and degrading competition for bread ....